This Season, the Autumn Gateway is here to support you as we evolve together through cosmic shifts and lunar cycles, giving you the gift of connection on your spiritual journey. This online sacred space has been curated to support women, like you, in discovering and staying rooted in their divinity.

Sacred self-care this season includes:

October 2023

October 12 - 7-8:30pm - Opening New Moon Ceremony

October 26 - 7-8:30pm - Samhain Full Moon

November 2023

November 9 - 7-8:30pm -11/11- Manifestation Ceremony

November 23 - 7-8:30pm - Full Moon Ceremony

December 2023

December 7 - 7-8:30pm - Wrapping up Autumn

December 21 - 7-8:30pm - Winter Solstice Ceremony

*Events are MST, live and recorded (see FAQ for more info) Subject schedule to change