Energy Healing is the way of the future. As the world is shifting, so many people are feeling the call to incorporate energy healing into their everyday life.
Everything in this world is energy vibrating at a certain frequency. Reiki helps to bring in higher frequency (source) energy to support you and can be used in all walks of life.
I am honoured to say I have worked with many different women including coaches, therapists, nurses, chefs, musicians, aestheticians, herbalists, photographers and many others. The world can always use more energy healers.
Mentorship will help to accelerate and evolve your reiki practice while including different healing techniques to use in treatment.
On my own journey, I was craving more knowledge and techniques to honour my practice and take it deeper. I have been where you are at on your journey and I was fortunate enough to have the support of mentors which brought me to where I am today. I have trained with energy healers around the world and incorporated different practices into my everyday treatments on clients.
I offer both private mentorship that is customized to your learning needs. Group mentorships are done through series.
Let’s get started on elevating your healing practice to the next level. It is recommended to have a level 2 reiki certification before beginning mentorship. Of course, if you feel you have a strong foundation without the certification, you are welcome to join.
April/May 2024
1:1 Mentorship Tailored Just For You
Group Mentorship Series
Energy Healing Mentorship
I am so excited to offer this for those looking to expand their reiki practice. Each Mentorship is tailored to your unique needs.
Mentorship can include:
how to channel
working with rays of light and flames
psychic surgery
deep clearing through the layers of the aura
soul retrieval
working with angels and light beings in treatment
how to work and read the akashic records
how to channel light language
using crystals in treatment
inner child healing
lightning energy activations
working in the heart space
tips and tricks to elevate your healing treatments
6 hours - $875 plus GST
3x - 2 hour sessions with guidance in between
Reach out for more info

Keepers of The Cosmic Flames
Now Offering as part of 1:1 mentorship
Get ready to walk through the fire and emerge like the pheonix! Fire is the energy of purification, transformation and awakening - it is the light on the spiritual plane. This channeled series brings you 5 weeks of working with etheric fire alchemy to help you on your ascension journey.
The cosmic flames existed during the times of Atlantis and after it’s fall, we lost access to the magnitude of their energy. With the energetic shift in 2012, the flames are gaining their momentum once again and we are able to use them in a greater capacity. The cosmic flames merge with different rays to accelerate and amplify their power. These flames contain codes that activate your DNA when you are initiated into them. They are here to assist humanity in this time of clearing and rebirth.
I have personally been working with the flames for a few years and over the last year more actively channeling higher variations. They are incredible for clearing stagnant and low vibrational energy and bringing to the surface what needs to be alchemized. The flames have completely transformed my healing journey and how I help others. I use them on myself, in my home, for earth healing and on clients. In the series I will share with you how to do the same and you will have practice working with them in multiple different ways.
Whether you are a practitioner, priestess or on your own spiritual journey during this Great Awakening, this series is here to support you into an even greater expansion and share this fire medicine with others.
Throughout these 5 weeks we will be working with different light beings, ascended masters, goddesses and archangels to fully embody and learn to work with 7 different cosmic etheric flames.
You will not find most of the information I am teaching in books as it has all been channeled and self-taught. Channeling and my clairsentience are my greatest gifts and thank goodness because I often struggle to read books. The healing information that came through for this series is overlit by the Hathors, Fire Elementals and Mary Magdalene. It comes from the heart and you will feel it.
My heartfelt intentions with this series is that it will assist you to:
Use different cosmic flames with the assistance of their governing masters
Gain new tools on your healing journey for yourself and to use on others
Clear your energetic field and accelerate your ascension
Awaken to new possibilites and connect with higher frequencies
Become a clear channel for healing information
Understand a different way of working with energy
Receive and give activations
Do deeper 1:1 healing
You will receive:
Over 10 hours of healing, mentorship, teachings and practice over these 5 weeks
5 guided journeys to be initiated into each flame and connect with the governing masters
Light language activations
Professional manual to print
Journalling Prompts
Information Sheets
Weekly homework to support your connection to the flame
A set of crystals to work with
If your soul is feeling the call, now is the time! I am only taking a very small amount of women on this journey. This series is different than other series I have done as it has the practical aspect of it included to support you in. This will be an intimate container where we will be working together to heal and clear a path forward. It is time to rise like the phoenix, sisters.
Everything will be recorded and you will have continued access to it. Check out the amazing testimonials below! Past clients are RAVING about the power of this course!!! Read testimonials below!
Sweet Words from past Keepers of the Flames clients:
“This course was life changing for me on both a personal and professional level. I continue to use the flames daily and it has brought me so much healing. You need this course in your life. It is absolutely transformational.”
“This course brought me so many shifts including the power to leave my soul-sucking job and pursue what I love most.”
“I felt very peaceful after class tonight and so much healing was done in my sleep.”
“This course blew my mind! It has been so helpful for me in working on clients and it makes everything feel so much easier.”